

TEXT: GEN 11:26


Abraham is a prominent figure in the bible, his story is primarily found in the book of genesis, where he is introduced as Abram before his name is later changed to Abraham by God. He was called friend by God himself.

Gen 12-make his story turn interesting at the start, God made him three promises to Abraham:

The promise of his own land

The promise to be made into a great nation.

The promise of everlasting blessing.

Father Abraham life is a great lesson for every one of us and it can’t be thought in one lesson.

There is a lot of lesson from the life of father of faith.

Life lesson:

Faith and obedience——Gen 12:1-4, Heb 11:8

Abraham exemplifies unwavering faith by obeying god’s call to leave his homeland and go to a land that God would show him. His obedience and trust in God set the foundation for a lifelong journey of faith.

Covenant and promise——–Gen 15:1-21

God establishes a covenant with Abraham promising him descendants as numerous as the stars and land of Canaan as an inheritance. Abraham story emphasizes the faithfulness of God to his promises.

Sacrificial love——Gen 22:1-19, Heb 11:17-19

The near sacrifice of Isaac on mount Moriah demonstrates Abraham’s willingness to obey God even in the most challenging circumstances.

Hospitality and kindness ——–Gen 18-1-15

Abraham extends hospitality to three strangers who turn out to be angels. This act of kindness reflects Abraham’s generous and welcoming nature.in return, he receives the reaffirmation of god’s promise of a son.

Patience and trust in god’s timing——-Gen 15:1-6,17:15,21

Abraham and Sarah wait for the fulfillment of god’s promise of a son despite their old age, the birth of Isaac highlights the importance of patience and trust in god’s timing, even when circumstances seem impossible.

People of God,

Do we have faith in our God?

Do we obey him in all our ways?

Do we wait on him for all our needs?

Do we give sacrificially?

Do we love those who God love?

Are we kind?

Are we hospitable?

Abraham exemplifies all this attribute and God called him his friend. James 2:23

Can God call you and i his friend?

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