

Text:  John 3:1-21

Introduction- Nicodemus was a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. He was a respected Jewish teacher. Nicodemus went to Jesus to find answers of who Jesus was and what Jesus’ assignment was. The experience between Nicodemus and Jesus is the genesis of the term ‘Born Again’. Jesus explained to Nicodemus the way to salvation is to be born again. This outline will share the lessons we learn from Nicodemus that inspires us.

Life Lessons

  1. We need to be humble: Nicodemus had a status in the society and was a respected leader, yet he did not let his status or age get into his head and stop him from seeking Jesus. He realized that Jesus had something that he wanted and he sought him. We often find people with grace, wisdom or something we need but we choose to hold back because of pride. We must not be too proud to seek spiritual growth, we must be humble enough to receive correction, we must be humble to receive direction and advise from others. John 3:1, 1 Peter 5:5-6.

Being religious does not get a person to heaven, only salvation does: You will think because Nicodemus was a Jewish religious leader, he is a candidate for heaven. Jesus told him the only way to enter the kingdom of God is by becoming born again. Good deeds, having a Christian name, going to church, giving, praying or any religious activity as good as they are can never get a person to heaven. The only way to get to heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your savior Acts 10:1-6.

Always seek understanding: Jesus said to Nicodemus ‘you must be born again’, Nicodemus then asked Jesus the follow up question on how a person can be born again. Often times, we receive instruction, revelation but we don’t have understanding hence we fail the assignment. Understanding is what make great people succeed, without understanding we labor (both physically & spiritually) like foolish people Ecclesiastes10:15, Proverbs 24:3-4. We must seek understanding of the Word of God, of our assignment, of what God is saying to us, understanding of the times and seasons. Acts 8:26-38.

Life applications

  1. Be born again: Salvation comes by believing in Jesus Christ without which no one can see the Father John 14:6. There is only one name by which men can be saved, it is through the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12. If you are not yet saved no mater how long you have been in a church, or the position you hold in the church or any religious organization, you need to be saved. How does a person become born again?
    • Acknowledge that you are a sinner and need Jesus to save you. Repent of your sins.
    • Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, He can save you and make you a child of God
    • Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior- ask Him to come into your heart and be your Lord forever.

We must continue to seek Jesus for any of our needs: Jesus has the answer to everything, do you have a question, a challenge, a need, a disappointment- He has the answer to everything. Jeremiah 33:1-3. Our challenges should not make us turn away from God, rather draw us near to God James 4:8

Be a one-man army: Nicodemus chose to go alone in pursuit of Jesus, he wasn’t waiting for the approval of others or the council of Jewish religious leader board to approve that Jesus was special and it is okay to seek him. People tend to be followers, we wait for others to do something before be proceed, we wait for people buy in on the things we know is true before we make our move. Don’t wait for others to seek the things of God, before you move, seek God by yourself even if that means you are the only one. It is okay to be the only one praying, it is fine to be the only one praising, giving, evangelizing, obeying don’t copy the crowd, instead follow Jesus.

Lesson of the Day

Seek Jesus today, even if you no one else is seeking Him, you will find Him and you will find eternal life.     

Complied by: Lekan Daramola

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