

Day: Day 12

Text:  Mark 5:21-43

Introduction- In today’s teaching we examine the life of Jairus, who was a synagogue leader who was told his daughter had died and came to Jesus for help, we see how he demonstrated faith during his adversity. The anchor scripture Mark 5:21-43 and the other scriptures, highlight the significance of personal faith in desperate times and the teaching shows characteristics and life lessons we can learn and be encouraged to do the same.

Life Lessons /Life Applications

  • Faith in desperate times and the significance of personal faith- In the text for today we see that both Jairus, and the woman with the issue of blood demonstrated profound faith in Jesus’ ability to heal, despite their desperate situations (Mark 5:28-29).It teaches us the importance of having faith, even in seemingly hopeless situations, and that turning to God in our most desperate times can lead to miraculous outcomes. (Matthew 21:22) We also have to believe In the God we serve, although people had told them their situations were not reversable, they had Godfidence (Confidence and faith in God). We merely cannot rely on the faith of others or on religious observances (Matthew 17:21, Isaiah 40:31, Proverbs 3:5- 6)
  • Persistence in the face of adversity- Jairus’s journey was interrupted by another miracle (the healing of the woman with the issue of blood), which could have discouraged him or made him lose hope as his daughter was dying. The lesson here is to remain steadfast and persistent in our faith, even when faced with delays or obstacles. The woman with the issue of blood was also persistent after 12 years she kept on trying! (Isaiah 40:31) Prayer might not seem so attractive when you don’t see quick results, or we think that maybe we are doing something wrong or that God doesn’t hear us. (Psalms 27:14)

We may even question His goodness. God hears every prayer, and He does answer us – but it’s in His way and in His timing (Psalms 27:14, Psalm 37: 7).

  • Having like-minded individuals- (Mark 5:35-36) Be mindful of the company you keep. (Proverbs 27:17) “You are the company you keep” is an old and well known saying about friendship. To this day, it maintains relevance, as the people you choose to associate with, and their actions can influence your actions. From the text we can learn the importance of surrounding ourselves with faith-filled individuals who can support and believe with us in our journey through difficult times.
  • Humility- The differences between these two characters in the bible were significant. In the text we Jairus was a leader of the synagogue, a much respected and influential member of the community. The woman, on the other hand, was described as a social pariah because of her affliction. But despite that Jarius did not deem his healing more important than hers he showed humility. (1 Peter 5: 1-7).
  • The Power of Jesus’ Word- The healing power of Jesus was evident in both miracles—through His words (“Daughter, your faith has healed you”) and actions (taking the girl by the hand). (Mark 5:41-42) God’s word is powerful, even if you do not see him physically, he has given us the bible which contains HIS WORD! (Philippians 2:9-11)

Lesson of the Day

Jarius exemplifies a faith that is active, humble, persistent, and courageous. His story encourages us as believers to approach God with the same humility, faith, and openness, trusting in His power to bring healing and restoration, even in the most desperate situations. Jairus’ story also tells us that faith that counteracts fear. Jesus is not constrained by time, status, position, condition, or what we’ve done, or our level of need, he always comes through.

Complied by: Oluwaseyi Oluwagbire

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