Building on The Solid Foundation 5

Building on The Solid Foundation 5

Memory Verse: …  ‘Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him also and He will do it. Psalms 37:5 (AMP).

Text: Luke 10:38-42

Spiritual Emphasis: There are probably 1,001 things competing for your attention, plus probably a new year resolution if you made one. So, the question is where should your focus be? Jesus gave the answer in the Bible. As you make your plans, ensure that Jesus is the center of those plans. Commit all those plans to Him because He has the best plan for you. Don’t get distracted, focus on the ‘one-thing that matter’ the Word of God, do everything in the Word, and you will have good success and start on the solid foundation.

      The Solid Foundation Starts with Jesus 

  • Building on The Solid Foundation Means Praying Purposeful and Proclaiming Prayers: Our heavenly Father is far more willing and gracious to give to us than we are willing to ask. Begging and pleading implies He is reluctant. In fact, long before you have a need, God has already met that need. Long before you knew you needed a Savior. He sent His Son to be your Savior. This is your God! He is a good God. So, when you beg Him for something, you are saying that He is reluctant to give and needs to be persuaded strongly before He will move. Yet, He is not like that – Eph. 3:20; 3 John 1:2; Luke 13:12; Luke 15:11-12; 17-24; 28-32; Matt. 6:8; Isaiah 65:24; Heb. 4:16.
  • Building on The Solid Foundation Means You Will Beat All Odds With The Favor Of God: Do you look at yourself and see only lack in the natural? Do you say, “I don’t have a good education”, “I am poor”, “I am too old”, “I have an accent”, or “I am a divorcee”? I have good news for you. As a blood-bought believer and child of God, you have the supernatural favor of God! – Gen. 1:27; Psalm 139:14; 1 Peter 2:9; Phil. 4:13; Ruth 2:2.

Questions/Activities: How can we as Christians train ourselves to pray purposeful and proclaiming prayers as well as walk in step with the Holy Spirit? (Matt. 6:9).

Conclusion: Building on the solid foundation means studying the Word daily and know that His promises are yea and amen. It means abiding in God’s Word, applying God’s Word to our lives: believe it, live it, trust it, and pray according to God’s Word. The solid foundation is living a righteous life, living a life of integrity, and walking in step with the Holy Spirit our helper, and doing the will of God. Finally, the solid foundation is having faith in Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, then we will grow in His grace and have good success and prosperity.

Shalom! Self-Study: Psalms 86:11; Psalms 23; John 14:26; Psalms 11:3; John 16:13; Exo. 33:14; Joshua 1:8-9; Romans 8; Psalms 1:1-3; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalms 32:8; James 1:23-25.

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