What does Jesus say about Fasting

What does Jesus say about Fasting
Day 32

Topic: What does Jesus say about Fasting

Text: Matthew 6(16-18), Matt 4(1-11), Jn 4(32-34), Is 58(1-14)



We will be talking about a true fast not one that is done just for show as Jesus said in Matt 6(16) or just to mark it off the calendar or your to do list. 



  1. A true fast is honorable to God. Is. 58(14)
  2. A true fast acts as a bolster for your relationship with God. Is. 58(14)
  3. A true fast gives your soul fulfillment and makes you a better person when you are done. John 4(32-34); Esther 4(15-16).



  1. Keep your focus on God when fasting-that is why we always say fasting and prayer. So, when fasting you should pray more and read the Bible more this helps to keep your focus on God. 
  2. After you are done with a true fast expect and exercise the spiritual muscle you have built having undergone that fast-Jesus example. Put your spiritual authority to use. Do not go back to business as usual or as it was before the fast. Esther’s example also-Es 5(1-2).
  3. A fast will help you to overcome the demands of your flesh. Having put your flesh in check for the period of your fast you should take this as a sign that your flesh is yours to direct as you wish. So going forward your character should be better as in your relationships with people. Is. 58:14. You should be more patient, more loving, more giving etc. Do not allow this acumen you received go to waste. Again, do not go back to business as usual on a physical level. Push your body/ flesh to obey you. For example, not reply to nastiness with the same, pray even if all you want to do is sleep and so on and so forth. 



A fast is a spiritual exercise with both physical and spiritual consequences in the life of the individual undertaking it and can even affect a generation or the whole of humanity. So with this in mind whenever we are fasting we need to do it reverently and in the sincerity of our hearts. May our fasting be pleasing and acceptable to God in Jesus’ name Amen.

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