The Last Days: Signs, Events and Meanings 

The Last Days: Signs, Events and Meanings 

Memory Verse:  The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, And shall trotter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it,  And it will fall, and not rise again.” – Isaiah 24:20. (NKJV)

Bible TextMark 13:1-23.

Spiritual Emphasis: Every believer should be watchful and expectant of the return of Jesus

  1. Minor Events Pointing to The Last Days!
  • Natural disasters of greater magnitudes: It is a fact that there will always be natural disasters. The difference is in the magnitude and frequencies –  Luke 21:11.
  • Plagues and epidemics: This is also a common event in human history. The difference is there will be an increase in their occurrences. Evidence of incurable diseases and maladies. These are called pestilences –  Luke – 21:11.
  • Inter-borders wars and ideological conflicts and violence: These also have always been a natural occurrence among all societies of all ages –  Luke – 21:10.
  • Grand Deception and Fear: The notion of what is the truth is widely disappearing and human lives are majorly ruled by fear and apprehension –  Luke – 21:25-26. 

Question: How should we as believers interpret and understand signs that point to the Lord’s coming? 

  1. Major Events Pointing to The Last Days!
  • One world government and system: There will be a positive attempt to structuralize the world into one common way of living and interests. Examples are NATO, Africa Union, Asian Union, etc. – Dan.7:16-24;  Rev.13:1.
  • Antichrist revealed: This follows immediately the one world government and system is set in place. The objective is to counter and hijack the final plan of God. He will possess worldwide power and influence –  Rev.13:11-18.
  • Widespread persecution of believers and the rapture of the saints by God –. Rev.13:5-7; 1 Thess.4:16-18.
  • The great tribulation, second coming of Christ, Armageddon, millennium reign of Christ and new heavens and new earth –  Rev.13:1-10, Matt.24:29-30, Rev.19:11-16,19-21, Rev.16:15-16, Rev.20:4, Rev.21:1-2

Question: What is the difference between the rapture and the second coming of Christ. 


The signs of the end times is to prepare the people of God for the second coming of our Lord Jesus. God does not want any of the believers that are saved and served Him all their lives to be caught unawares. Let’s be sober, vigilant and be looking forward to being with the Lord again. May the Lord keep you till He comes. 


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